Home Improvement

By MatthewWashington

Home Design Tips for the New Year

If you are one of the many who have taken advantage of the Stamp Duty holiday and purchased a new home or property, you may now be finding yourself in the exciting position of home renovation and interior design. This is a particularly interesting period within which to approach home design too, as trends have changed dramatically and suddenly this year. Many developing trends and popular designs have already become obsolete and, as quickly as masks have made their way onto the pages of fashion magazines, home design publications are adapting too.

To help keep you ahead of shifting trends and to inspire your new home to be as great as possible, we have collected the best tips for designing your home in 2021.

Sparsity is Old News 

Until the beginning of 2020, there was an increasingly popular culture of minimalism. Homes across the UK were downsizing and ridding their rooms of clutter. Popular room designs included sparse white walls decorated with light wood and green plants. However, as elegant and pleasing as these designs were, they relied upon access to other businesses, such as gyms and cinemas, to balance their sparsity. Once that was taken away, the minimalists struggled.

When designing your home, be sure to welcome your interests into your space. Doing so won’t just prevent a struggle if your favourite gym fails to reopen but it will also transform your home into a living space, one that supports your life and interests. 

Make it Modular

The hasty shift in design trends this year have produced a growing preference for modular designs, ones that can be adapted to suit new desires. Instead of designing your rooms with a long term aesthetic in mind, opting for modular furniture instead, ones that allow for greater flexibility, will allow your rooms to be switched up, which is ideal for welcoming various numbers of guests as well as accommodating your changing preferences.

See also  10 Trendy Ideas using Geometric Wallpaper for your Rooms 

Build for a Home Business 

Working remotely is a hot topic. However, whether your employer has signed off on it or not, your home can still be the ideal place to earn extra income from or to be the platform for starting your own business entirely.

Whether you want to establish an office within a spare room or begin welcoming guests into a garden log cabin, incorporating these assets into your early design can save you money in the long run while also helping your enterprise get off of the ground initially.

Sustainable Design 

Upcycling and recycling are a huge part of modern design trends, driven forward by a wider conscientiousness toward sustainability. More than demonstrating your eco-friendly attitudes, restoring, reviving, or reupholstering older furniture items, rescuing them from the disposal, is also a fantastic way to demonstrate your creativity and design confidence. Additionally, the raw materials for their construction are much cheaper alternatives than sourcing new items.

Open Homes 

Many are attributing a growing tendency toward open spaces to the stifling experience of the UK’s lockdown. Those who felt confined within their rooms wanted to escape. However, there are numerous other reasons why knocking through walls and creating large, open spaces within your property are hugely beneficial, such as being able to welcome friends and family more easily and allowing a greater amount of natural illumination to enter.