
Monstera Thai Constellation – Care Guide

Monstera Thailand Constellations prices have recently seen a dramatic decrease, making this item accessible for many of us to purchase. Care for this species differs slightly from its green relatives; if your Monstera Deliciosa is flourishing then there may be similarities. But one must be wary of any possible variations that must be addressed properly in order for it to thrive properly.

Monstera Thai constellation for sale are relatively straightforward to care for with just a few easy considerations. Once you know their basic care requirements, taking proper steps becomes straightforward. Unfortunately, it’s also easy to kill one with either kindness or brutality when first starting out or when returning it after its return home from elsewhere.

Watering requirements

Monstera Thai constellation may not be an ideal plant choice if you tend to overwater. There’s no need for helicopter parenting; simply alter your watering techniques a bit to provide lightly moist soil – not too wet! Overwatering will only worsen root rot problems; Thai plants seem particularly susceptible. Yet they don’t like drying out like their blue Monstera Deliciosa cousins do so you must find an equilibrium.

Before applying water again, I recommend waiting until about half to three quarters of your potting mixture has dried before adding more moisture. Don’t let them completely dry out! For peace of mind and to ensure rapid response time when moving probes beneath the surface quickly. Alternatively, consider investing in the Sustee and Crew Soil Sensor and place it in your garden; its sensor displays instantaneous readings of moisture levels at root level – truly game changing as this cheap way helps you monitor water availability to your plants!

The right pot

Terracotta can be chosen depending on how consistent your watering habits are. If you tend to overwater, avoid terracotta as this could cause its plants to dry out too quickly; on the contrary, over-watering makes an ideal situation! Terracotta makes an excellent option! Personally, I prefer standard plastic nursery pots with drainage holes tucked neatly under their cover pots. Transparent pots allow me to watch as water droplets change level in the container and recognize when to add more. I prefer watering as soon as my pot is covered; however, you could set a timer and remove excess after 10-15 minutes if desired. Don’t allow Thai to be submerged too deeply!


Thai orchids have deep-seated roots, making a deeper or higher-height pot better than one with shallower or wider dimensions. Drainage holes should always be included, since lack of drainage increases the likelihood of root rot.


Although Monstera Thai Constellations plants can tolerate warmer and cooler temperatures for short periods, optimal growth conditions should be found between 20-30 degrees. No drastic temperature shift should take place; I try not to go below 15-18 Celsius when making temperature adjustments for my fish. An ideal temperature range should not be difficult to achieve in most homes; however, be wary of any sudden drops in winter if you were caring for a Thai during their easier summer months. Vents or drafts must not enter their enclosure, while extreme temperature fluctuations should not occur either; vents should also not interfere with aircon/heat pumps’ output of hot or cool air; also consider their surroundings when away from home at night time when considering this factor.


Monstera Thailand Constellation stands out from all-green varieties when it comes to light. Variegated plants require additional effort for photosynthetic energy production – something essential for survival. As light is essential to photosynthesis, your Thai monstera requires more sunlight than its green Monstera cousin to maintain the variety of leaves with larger variegated areas. When selecting a location for planting your Thai Monstera tree, ensure there will be ample sunlight exposure. Be mindful that variegated areas do not contain chlorophyll (otherwise they’d be green), meaning they cannot absorb light as readily and are more photosensitive than their green counterparts. Low lighting should not be considered; bright to medium lights are preferable.

Ideal lighting should come from all directions; otherwise, like their green counterparts, succulents will seek light wherever it exists and become less lush in low illumination conditions. If the more intense light coming from one direction is difficult to control, quarter rotate your Thai plants every month and they will still look amazing! Unlike plants with numerous varieties that need shaded areas to survive, Thai can handle direct sun without becoming stressed out or withering away. Particularly those that have more green, scattered, and freckled leaves without large white patches would benefit from direct sunlight to avoid sunburns. When dealing with large white patches however, I advise staying out of direct sunlight to prevent sunburn. Light with diffused lighting is always ideal and morning sun or winter sun are far superior to intense afternoon or summer sun rays. If you’re uncertain about where the ideal location for your Thai is, avoid direct sunlight. Early morning sun in summer or softer daytime light in winter should suffice; be sure not to expose longer periods of time directly to direct sunrays; instead opt for soft light instead!

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Monstera Thai Constellations has similar humidity needs as the green Monstera Deliciosa family. I would classify their humidity levels as medium. Under normal summer conditions in New Zealand, additional humidity might only be necessary in extreme dry regions. If you live in winter and use a heat pump, HRV, DVS, fireplace or any of its associated devices then installing an air humidifier might be worthwhile. Keep an eye out for edges with dry tips or brown tips which indicate additional humidity is needed; pebbles won’t do much either as neither does misting. Aim to achieve 60 percent relative humidity – use a hygrometer to gauge current levels; consider purchasing plant humidifiers should the humidity levels become inadequate.

Why isn’t my Thai Constellation growing?

Thai households will typically pop out a new plant each month, whether or not its growth is speeding along as expected or slow or nonexistent. Complaints about lack of growth often follow moving into their new homes; some people love expanding quickly but often three to six months of “nothing to look at here” period is fairly typical especially among those moving during cooler months.

Brown leaves

If your whole leaf is turning brown, one likely cause is that it is receiving insufficient water or is drying out between watering sessions. Check soil condition; provide thorough and consistent watering if necessary; ensure substrate saturation when watering; continue more consistent watering throughout the year and look into other possible causes and solutions as soon as possible.

Root rot

Thai Monstera plants are particularly susceptible to root rot, usually caused by overwatering. Without enough oxygen for its roots to breathe, lack of water means no oxygen for it to consume; too much moisture being held by dense soil may also pose this same threat, making drainage important. Therefore, you must make sure there are no obstructions preventing water drainage.

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Root rot-damaged roots appear soft and black in appearance, with limp, wilting leaves that quickly turn yellow. Take your Monstera out of its pot to inspect its roots; don’t put off taking action against this problem immediately as root rot can quickly spread throughout its healthy branches too quickly to be remedied by delay. Act immediately! Prevention of root rot is essential to the health and survival of your plant. Root rot can sometimes be caused by inactive soil fungi; however, excessive watering could also be a factor. Either way, you must remove plants from soil immediately and rinse their roots under running water before returning them back into soil. Use sharp and clean cutting tools to trim off damaged roots and remove all soil, before washing your pot (light bleaching solutions can kill off any fungus present) before installing fresh well-draining soil in its original container (or one similar in size). Repot your plant into this same or another similar size pot when ready.